Book Review Requests
Are you an author looking for an honest review of your new book?
My name is Lauren Ilbury, and I have been reading and reviewing books my entire life, esepcially during my BA and MA degree, where reviewing and analysing various plays and books was an everyday occurance. An an author and as the managing director of RomaReads Publishing, you have the benefit of having both the sympathetic ear of a fellow writer, and the honest praise and crtique from a publishing house owner and founder.
I love to see the experience the different worlds books have to offer, to appreciate the hard work, and to praise the writing that's had a lot of thought put into it. These are my honest reviews, but I recognize how vulnerable it is to submit your work. I will never tear another author down and, worst comes to the worst, instead offer constructive criticism and reasons why your writing is not to my taste this time. I am looking forward to reading your work!

What does a book review entail?
A book review includes:
A 400 word review about your book
A 1 - 5 star rating
Your review posted on all our social media
Your review posted on all links provided (For example, Goodreads, Amazon, your own website, etc, basically, whichever site you want your review posted on.)
What to send
We accept most files, but we prefer PDF, physical copies, and other digital copies. Please attach the file in your email.
In the subject line, please state 'Book Review Request'.
Include a brief synopsis of your book and genre in the body of the email.
JPG or .PNG file of the front book cover
(For invoice purposes ONLY) Your first and last name, address, email, and phone number.
[NOTE: Please allow 2 weeks from the day the invoice is paid to see your review.]
I would love to offer these for free, but given the amount of hours spent reading the book and writing up the review, I'm afraid I do have to charge a fee. However, I'm aware of how expensive reviewing can be, and I want to make sure you can get your book reviewed without breaking the bank. That is why I am charging a £29 fee per review.
Interested? Send your email to: lauren_ilbury@romareadspublishing.com